Elmbridge Design Code logoElmbridge Design Code

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Commonplace facilitates this conversation on behalf of the team made up of the organisations listed here. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes stated in each organisation’s privacy policy. Elmbridge Borough Council and Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners will use anonymous data from this Commonplace website to inform the development of the Design Code and Local Plan.
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Elmbridge Borough Council

The Council set up a comprehensive Design Code Project Team consisting of members of the Council’s Planning and Environmental Health, Policy & Performance and GIS teams. The Team is led by Aneta Mantio, the Special Projects Officer, overseen by the Planning Policy and Strategy Manager and the Head of Planning and Environmental Health. In addition, the Council has appointed an independent specialist Client Advisor, Andy von Bradsky, who is integral to the Project throughout, guiding and cooperating with the Team and the appointed consultant, Allies & Morrison Urban Practitioners. He is a consultant architect living and working in the Borough, and former Head of Architecture at the Government’s Ministry of Communities and Local Government (now Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - DLUHC), and was responsible for briefing, commissioning and guiding the production of the National Design Guide and National Model Design Code. He is committed to design quality in the built environment, community engagement in the process and sustainability.

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Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners

Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners are the consultants working with Elmbridge Borough Council on the preparation of the Elmbridge Design Code. Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners was formed in 2011 through the merger of Allies and Morrison with planning, urban design and consultation practice Urban Practitioners. The Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners team undertakes all aspects of masterplanning and planning, including planning policy, planning applications, masterplans and Area Action Plans. We have particular expertise in community consultation and engagement, specialising in a wide range of consultation techniques including pop-up shops, exhibitions, market stalls and surveys. Our project work is underpinned by a track record in producing original and thoughtful urban research.

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